Tuesday, August 10, 2010

White Mold and Moringa Processing

When talking about composting, if you see white mold...shout for joy! Its a good thing. It helps with the decomposing of your compost pile. You don't want to see black or green. Now, as of this moment, I don't know why black and green are bad. Will surely find out as time marches on.

Moringa is an amazing tree. Its been called the tree of life. It grows great in climates like Senegal where there is very little rainfall.
Everything on this tree is useful. The leaves are super high in nutrition.
Here's a link talking about the miracle of moringa: www.naturalnews.com/022272.html

Here at ECHO they grow it and harvest it. Today, we cut the Moringa Trees down to a meter and harvested the leaves. We dried the leaves out by putting them in a DRYER of all things. Its still experimental at this point whether or not this is a good technique as we're not sure if when the temperature goes over 100F if the nutrients are effected.
I planted tons of Moringa at the Phare (www.lepharedelesperance.blogspot.com) It was fascinating to watch a tree like that grow so fast in such a harsh climate. The guys and gals I worked with got to hear me preach about the benefits of Moringa for many months. It started to rub off on them little by little. One of the ladies who was experiencing 'female problems' started drying it and turning it into powder. She started taking it in 'secret' and later on was advertising how much better she was feeling. Its really amazing to see how God created this tree, with all of its health benefits, has been placed in environments where its very difficult to grow what we in the West take for granted nutritionally.

I'm excited to learn more about this tree while I'm here to take back to the people of Senegal.


  1. Nice video. Sounds like a neat tree.

  2. Just received your blog spot from Jamie and Mandy Smith, our co-workers. Excellent info for us. We are opening a new territory and looking for this kind of information as we seek how to best show Christ to the people of Southern Zambia. Thanks for the info!
